
[Google Cloud] gcloud builds submit 忽略了我的金鑰檔案

 Google Cloud Build 教學 (一) — 透過本地端完成 GCP Cloud Build 服務 | by 楊承翰 | Medium

gcloud builds submit  |  Google Cloud CLI Documentation

選擇本地打包放上去CONTAINER REGISTRY才丟到Cloud Run的原因就是因為我沒搞定金鑰如何放在環境變數裡,

問題來了,為什麼我需要使用這個金鑰呢?好像是因為我需要在imager裡用到google cloud?



多寫一個 .gcloudignore 讓我的金鑰檔案不被忽略而沒有打包進build裡



Creating temporary tarball archive of 7 file(s) totalling 24.0 KiB before compression.

Some files were not included in the source upload.

文檔中有寫清楚,如果打包時檔案沒有 .gcloudignore,就會使用 .gitignore 作為打包時處理要忽略的檔案

The location of the source to build. The location can be a directory on a local disk or a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) in Google Cloud Storage. If the source is a local directory, this command skips the files specified in the --ignore-file. If --ignore-file is not specified, use.gcloudignore file. If a .gcloudignore file is absent and a .gitignore file is present in the local source directory, gcloud will use a generated Git-compatible .gcloudignore file that respects your .gitignored files. The global .gitignore is not respected. For more information on .gcloudignore, see gcloud topic gcloudignore.